Module 1 : Signals in Natural Domain
Problem 6 :
Problem 6   

Let x(t) be a continuous-time complex exponential signal,


with fundamental frequency w0 and fundamental period


Consider the discrete-time signal obtained by taking equally spaced samples of x(t) - that is


 (a) Show that x[n] is periodic if and only if  T / T0 is a rational number - that is, if and only if some multiple of  the
       sampling interval exactly equals a multiple of the period of x(t) .

 (b) Suppose that x [n] is periodic - that is, that


        where p and q are integers. What are the fundamental period and fundamental frequency as a fraction of
        w0T .

 (c) Again assuming that  T / T0 satisfies the above equation, determine precisely how many periods of x(t) are
       needed to obtain the samples that form a single period of  x[n] .